Supporting the Environment with our Costa Rica Guided Tours 

As you can tell from what we do, the environment is an integral part of the success of Costa Rica Rios. Without our magnificent local rivers, mountains, beaches and forest canopies, we could not offer our spectacular Costa Rica guided tours. Because of this, we have made a commitment to supporting the environment, including the unique and breathtaking natural scenery of our many adventures.

We practice what we call Sustainable Tourism in a variety of ways. Much of what we do involves education. For our employees, there is always ongoing learning about how we can best support and preserve this delicate and fascinating natural environment in which we live and work.  As a company, we seek to work in harmony with other local businesses, such as when we donate all organic waste to an organic cocoa bean farm.

For our guests, the education can work both ways. We know our environment, and we teach our tour participants about how best to preserve the breathtaking natural resource that we share with them. We also welcome guest suggestions about how to improve our sustainability practices and procedures, because we know that we all have much to learn about the latest and greatest efforts to support the environment.

We have also woven some commitments to sustainable tourism into the fabric of our company’s business processes. We are member participants in 1% for the Planet, a world-wide network of over one thousand businesses that commit to donate 1% of their sales to environmental nonprofit organizations. We are seeking certification from a handful of sustainable tourism associations, so stay tuned for further news on this as our applications to these associations are completed and reviewed.

Finally, and fundamentally, we recognize that each of us as individuals has a role to play in preserving our environment for the enjoyment of future generations. What we model and teach to our guests, we hope you will take home with you, along with your pictures and memories, and apply in the special environments that you find in and near your own home towns. To learn more, contact us or check out our Sustainable Tourism webpage.




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