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Costa Rica Sustainable Tourism 

Sustainable Tourism Costa Rica Rios aims to respect and support the environment in every way possible. As a nature based adventure company, it is important that we not only leave the beauty of Costa Rica as we found it, but also improve on the existing environmental practices to ensure the biodiversity of Costa Rica remains for future generations. Our company participates in sustainable practices and our staff has been working hard to minimize negative impacts on the environment but we always appreciate your support, participation and suggestions in our journey towards a sustainable tourism industry in Turrialba, Costa Rica.

What is Sustainable Tourism? Enjoying tourism activities and experiences without creating damage to the natural environment and local community. Sustainable travelers promote environmental conscious activities to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the same tourism opportunities.

Costa Rica Rios Sustainability Mission Statement Costa Rica Rios will strive to be a successful example of sustainable tourism in Costa Rica. Operations and activities at our lodging facilities and tour destinations will ensure every effort is taken to minimize the negative impacts made to the natural and surrounding environment. We aim to continually educate our employees and guests in sustainable and environmental awareness in order to promote these practices in their own lives and communities.

Current Efforts toward Sustainable Tourism

  • Costa Rica Rios is a member of 1% For The Planet, an organization that donates 1% of our annual turnover to various environmental causes
  • Costa Rica Rios is currently in the process of achieving certification in a number of sustainable tourism organizations including Rainforest Alliance, and Certification in Sustainable Tourism Program, which is a model of natural, cultural and social resource management
  • Costa Rica Rios uses bio-fuel for company vehicles so as to reduce our carbon footprint
  • Costa Rica Rios has a recycling program as well as a compost program where we collect and donate all organic waste to an organic cocoa bean farm
  • Costa Rica Rios supports a local company that produces biodegradable water bottles, which we give to all guests
  • Costa Rica Rios employs locals and supports small artesanal groups by selling their wares to our clients
  • Costa Rica Rios believes in a No Trace Policy and strives for energy efficiency in all ways possible

How You Can Contribute During Your Stay

  • If you view any acts of polluting near the premises or on tour, please advise a guide or manager
  • Do not remove any plants or animals from the lodge, camp, or natural lands visited. In addition, please do not feed wild animals
  • Refrain from buying souvenirs that are harmful to the environment and its inhabitants. These items include: shells, coral, turtle shells, and animal skins
  • Please observe our quiet hours (9:00pm – 8:00am) and limit loud noises at the camp and lodge during the day to mitigate disturbances to the local animals
  • In an effort to conserve water and energy, please consider the following:
  • Turn off lights and equipment when not in use.
  • Take short showers and turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.
  • Forgo daily washing of linens and sheets. Please refer to the sign in the bathroom if you do not want your linens or towels washed everyday.
  • Recycle whenever possible. Bins are located in the dining room area at the B&B as well as at the jungle lodge
  • We guarantee that our staff strives to adhere to the initiatives and practices listed in our sustainability manual. If you find any discrepancies between written policies and daily operations, please fill out a comment card at the end of your stay and hand it to one of our staff members. If you provide contact information, we will follow up as the problem is resolved.

Before You Leave

  • Prior to your departure, please fill out the trip review and let us know your opinions on our journey to a sustainable future.

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